Good morning and happy Friday! We are so thankful that you spent part of your week with us. There are only a few days left of Lakewood at Home before we reopen on August 5th. Here are three invitations for toddlers on this Friday.
Art Invitation: NCMA City in the Grass
If you did not have a chance to see City in the Grass at NCMA, you can see it virtually through their website. It is in the outdoor sculpture park, so it is possible to go and see it in person, but the park tends to be very popular and it might be difficult to socially distance at certain times of day. We really enjoy this piece of art because it is so accessible for young children. It has texture, color, and is at their level. We hope the link above gives you and your child a sense of the piece. You can find additional activity ideas here.
Building/Outdoor Invitation: Outdoor blocks
In thinking about City in the Grass and the other invitations we have suggested over the past few months, we wanted to suggest taking some blocks to a shady spot outside today. You can add animals, people, or other loose parts to this exploration as well. Block building uses motor skills and is a way for children to explore physics, architecture and engineering.
Science/Nature Invitation: Investigating life in the grass
This is another outdoor invitation. Invite your child to explore a patch of grass. You can provide a magnifying glass and possibly a clipboard and pencil as well. What will they find in the grass? What will they notice about textures, colors, and shapes?
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