Good morning! We hope you were able to stay cool and find some time for renewal over the weekend. Here are three invitation ideas to start your week off.
Building Invitation: Blocks and people
This morning we are wondering what your child would like to build for a small doll or figure. Will they use blocks to make a house, or a sidewalk, or a playground? Maybe they will use other things from your collection of loose parts or add some natural objects. Having a rich environment often leads to rich, creative building and world creation by children.
Large/Fine Motor Invitation: Durham County Library indoor obstacle course
We mentioned a couple of weeks ago that Durham County Library’s Summer Reading program is happening now. As part of that program, they are posting virtual storytimes and other informative and fun content on their Youtube channel. We really liked their idea for an indoor obstacle course that involves not only physical, but cognitive challenges as well! What obstacles will you and your child come up with?
Art Invitation: Stamps and stamp pads
This invitation is somewhere between an art invitation and a fine motor challenge. Stamps can be part of a creative piece as a starting point or a later addition. For toddlers, much of the learning is in how stamps and stamp pads work; the steps involved in getting the stamp’s shape in the desired color in the desired location on the paper (or on your child’s foot or hand as often happens). Your child may also explore how the ink pad works, making prints with their fingers and hands.
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