Welcome to the final week of the Lakewood at Home blog. This week we are going to revisit some of our favorite invitations from the past four months, adding some ways to extend the invitations or modifying them for different age groups. Enjoy!
Sensory Invitation: Gel sensory bag. For this invitation you will need a gallon zip-top bag (freezer bags are sturdier than storage bags) and a squishy substance to put in it. Aloe vera gel, hair gel, water cooked with cornstarch and cooled, and shampoo all work well. You can add food coloring if you would like or an assortment of small objects such as sequins. Seal the bag and let your child explore.
This invitation provides a way for children to increase small motor skills and explore the world in a different way.
Art Invitation: Paint with cotton balls
Invite your child to paint with not a paint brush, but with some cotton balls. Ask your child how might you use them to make art? Will they use the cotton balls to solely paint, or will they become part of the painting?
The intent of this is to give the child freedom over how they want to use a certain medium. In the classroom we have put out cotton balls, craft sticks, and leaves to paint with and it is always wonderful to observe and hear about the choices they make.
Large Motor Invitation: Freeze Dance
Before beginning this invitation, tell your child what is going to happen, “while the music is playing we will dance, then it will stop and we have to freeze and hold our bodies still until it starts again.” Play a favorite song and dance. Pause the music any time to stop dancing.
This invitation builds listening skills, self-regulation, and large motor skills. We often sing, play music during times of transition to engage our bodies in a safe and constructive way.
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