Welcome back! It’s Monday and the preschool team has some wonderful invitations to get another week of stay-at-home adventures going.
Fine Motor Invitation: Make a face collage
In an old magazine or catalog try to find as many portrait sized pictures of people’s faces as you can. Ask your child how many eyes does a face have, how many ears does a face have, how many noses? What’s on top of the head? What’s underneath the chin? Have your child cut out faces or facial features and combine them to make new characters.
Intention is to explore the spatial relationship between various facial features like eyebrows above eyes, mouth below nose or to come up with imagined spatial relationships.
Outdoor Invitation: Making a pool – engineering challenge
Please wait until after the storms have passed to offer this invitation to your child(ren). Outside with a large bowl or bin,rocks, stones, sticks and leaves try build a “pool’ for water. Ask if the pool remained overnight, a week, etc. what animals might use the water?
Intention is to work on problem solving with questions like “how can we stop the water?” and “what will use the water?”
Art Invitation: Collage extension
Consider asking where the collage face from above is? Where is this person? On a separate sheet of paper create the backdrop for the collage face. This could involve creating the rest of the person’s body. Ask child how these two projects could be combined into one.
Intention is extend the project from above, connect previous work with current work, and plan based on previous work.