Happy Friday! It looks like more stormy weather may be on the way today. We hope you are safe and dry. We will be continuing the Lakewood at Home blog series through the month of June and hope you will join us for more invitations for young children.
Art Invitation: Markers and paper
Today we think this simple invitation for mark-making would be lovely. If your markers are starting to dry out, you can offer them with a small jar with just a little water in it. Children can dip the marker tip in the water and rejuvenate it a little.
Mark making is a common language for self-expression and creativity. Today we want to offer something simple for the end of the week.
Fine Motor Invitation: Packing for a picnic
We have been thinking a lot about how children construct transportation schema, the way they carry things around and the satisfaction they find in these tasks. Today we are wondering what your toddler might pack for a picnic. Would they pack dishes? Food? Toys? Invite your child to help fill a basket or bag with the things they would need for an indoor or porch picnic.
Dramatic Play Invitation: Teddy bear picnic
Once the picnic bag has been packed and repacked, set up a picnic for your child and some teddy bear or doll friends. It looks like it may be wet/stormy today so it might be a good day for a cozy under the table picnic, or a porch picnic, or a pillow fort picnic. You can offer a snack, or pretend food.
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