Good morning! We hope you had a wonderful weekend and had an opportunity to enjoy the amazing weather! Here are three invitations for toddlers on a Monday.
Fine Motor Invitation: Painting toys
For this invitation, gather some washable toys (plastic), washable paints, paint brushes, and an empty shallow storage bin or other location for the painting.
Invite your child to explore what their toys look like in other colors and with different designs on them. What colors will they choose?
This invitation is a place for fun, creative expression, and building fine motor skills.
Sensory Invitation: Washing toys
After covering several toys in paint, have your child help clean them up. You will need a sink or washtub with warm, soapy water and a scrub brush for this invitation.
Cleaning their toys and helping to clean up from the earlier activity gives toddlers a way to contribute to the family. It also builds sensory schema.
Music/Movement Invitation: “Sleeping, sleeping”
This chant/movement game asks children to act like different animals or machines using large motor skills, memory and imagination.
Invite your child to lie down and pretend to sleep, then say:
Sleeping, sleeping,
All the children were sleeping
And when they woke up they were ______________________! (rabbits, dinosaurs, lawn mowers, airplanes, cows, cats, etc.)
After they have been that animal for a lap of the room say:
Sleeping, sleeping,
All the _________________ were sleeping
And when they woke up they were…!
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