Good morning! It looks like this will be a lovely day for a Thursday adventure!
Large Motor/Adventure Invitation: Listening adventure
Your child can go on this adventure sitting in a box in the middle of the living room, walking around the backyard, or out with you in the neighborhood. Before you go, ask them what they think they will hear. Then ask them to sit or walk quietly and see what they can hear. When you get back, or their sitting time is up, reflect on the sounds together. Were there birds? Cars? A train whistle?
This adventure invites children to make predictions and carry out an experiment to see if they are correct. It also asks them to be quiet for a moment and use their ears to experience the world.
Science/Fine Motor Invitation: Drawing sounds
At Home with the Reggio Approach has a wonderful sound riddle activity. Prepare some blank paper and a drawing pencil or pen. Invite your child to draw what they hear, what does the sound look like? What do you think might be making the sound?
Music/Movement Invitation: Making music
After so much listening, what sounds would your child like to make? Can they find materials that help them replicate the sounds from the sound riddle or their adventure? They can also use pots and pans or musical instruments to make sounds and songs. Your child (and you) may want to explore percussion instruments outside.
Music is an amazing language for creative expression and this invitation encourages innovation and invention as well.
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