Good morning! Welcome to another week of Lakewood for PreK. We are so glad you are joining us! This week we will be revisiting some threads from previous weeks, and offering new ideas.
Art Invitation: Glue collage on cardboard
How does glue work? Will anything stick to cardboard if you use glue? How long will it take for the glue to dry? These are some of the questions children can explore through this invitation which also builds motor skills and is an opportunity for creative expression.
Offer your child a piece of cardboard, some glue, and a variety of things to try out such as craft sticks, chenille stems, feathers, tissue paper, etc. Invite them to create something using the glue as an adhesive.
Science Invitation: What dissolves in water?
This invitation encourages children to make predictions and test their hypotheses. For this invitation you will need several small clear containers, small amounts of pantry staples like sprinkles, sugar, salt, flour, or baking soda, water and spoons. Put a teaspoon or so of each item in its own container. Ask your child to predict which ones will dissolve in water before pouring in water to cover and mixing it up. How do their predictions change as the experiment progresses? Was there anything that surprised you or your child?
Movement Invitation: Shadow freeze dancing
Continuing the exploration of light, shadow and reflection, today we invite your child to freeze dance with their shadow. You will need a flashlight, some music, and a place where your child can see their shadow if you shine the flashlight on them. Invite them to choreograph a dance for their shadow, or challenge their shadow to a freeze dance.
This invitation continues inquiries into light, shadow and reflection, uses dance as a language of self-expression, and builds large motor skills.
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