Good morning! It’s already Wednesday and the final Wednesday in July at that. Here are three invitations for preschoolers today.
Language/Literacy Invitation: Working on a sensory journal
Consider starting a senses journal with your child that can be returned to day with some regularity documenting each of the senses for the day. Or you can ask the child to choose one of the questions for that day? Asking how can you represent answer to these questions on paper:
What did you see today?
What did you hear today?
What did you taste today?
What did you feel today?
What did you smell today?
The intention of this project is to continue work in language production, early writing, and to see a project grow over time with self documentation.
Art Invitation: Rainbow Tree! Find a small to medium sized, interesting looking branch. If possibly, find a bucket or pot to ‘plant’ the branch in. You want the branch to be able to stand up in the pot. Get out some paint! Have your child use different colors to paint the branches and create their rainbow tree.
** If you do not have a pot to put the branch in you can still paint it! Lay the branch out on the ground outside or on some newspaper to paint! (for an easy no-mess clean up). You can hang the branch from a string if you do not have a pot **
Outdoor/Nature/Gross Motor Invitation: Number Line Run
Draw a line down the sidewalk with chalk and marked off the numbers from 0 to 10 (or higher if your child has been practicing counting higher). Have your child walk the line while counting the numbers. You could also call out numbers and have them run to the number you called out.
Variation: Instead of writing numbers you can write letters and do similar activities. Have your child say the alphabet as they walk past each number. Call out a letter and have your child run to that letter. Perhaps they can run to each letter in their name?
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