Happy Friday! Monday is Memorial Day, so we will be taking the day off. We will be back on Tuesday with more invitations from Caitlyn and Sarah. Have a great long weekend!
Sensory Invitation: Making bubbles and playing with bubbles
Using a bucket, you and your child can work together to add water and some dish soap. Using kitchen utensils have your child stir and mix up the water and soap to make sudsy bubbles. They can then play with the bubbles, scooping with kitchen utensils and using their hands to explore the texture of the bubbles and water. They can also use the bubbles to ‘clean’ toys or other materials.
Intent: This sensory activity uses the sense of touch. It also allows for the visual exploration of how liquid soap and water can create foamy bubbles.
Fine Motor Invitation: Making Patterns
Using legos, duplos, or other colored toys, have your child practice making patterns. You can create the pattern for your child or have them create their own patterns. You can use a clean muffin tin or lay them out on a table or the floor.
Intent: This activity incorporates fine motor development by focusing on the process of filling and emptying and lets your child practice the pincer grip. This activity also promotes matching and sorting and problem solving.
Art Invitation: Splat Art Gravity Painting.
Set up a big piece of paper on the ground or floor. Dip pom-poms or cotton balls in paint and smash, drop, or throw the pom-poms on the paper.
*This will be a messy activity so you may want to set this up outside or in a garage if it’s raining. You could also put the paper inside a bin or in a bathtub for an easier clean up if you decide to do it inside.*
Intent: This activity allows for a different way to explore art and creative expression. This activity also includes fine motor development by using hand muscles to throw or drop the pom-poms.
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