Happy Friday! It’s the beginning of a new month with so many new possibilities! Here are some invitations from Sarah and Caitlyn to begin the month of May.
Sensory Invitation: Using halved paper towel tubes and toilet paper tubes, write the letter of the alphabet on them. If you have enough tubes you can write the whole alphabet, if not you can just choose your child’s favorite letters. Mix up any magnetic, puzzle, or other letter toys and have your child sort the letters into the matching tubes. If you do not have any letter toys you can write the letters on a piece of paper and cut them out for your child to sort.
Intent: The middlers are working on recognizing letters. This activity helps them with more letter recognition as well as sorting practice which uses the pincer grip, strengthening fine motor development.
Fine Motor Invitation: Sticker Lines. Draw a couple of different lines (zig-zag, loopy, squiggley, etc.) and have your child put stickers on top. This could be done on the wall, floor, or even outside!
Variation: If you do not have stickers they could trace with paint or different color markers.
Intent: The middlers enjoy having stickers in the middler room! This activity enhances fine motor development by using the hand muscles and pincer grip to place each sticker.
Art Invitation: Use any size cardboard box to build a house for your child or their lovies. They can use markers or crayons to decorate the house however they want. The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt or Box by Min Flyte are nice companions to this invitation.
Intent: This activity gives the middlers an opportunity to explore different creative options while making something they can have for personal use.
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