Good morning! It looks like today might be warmer and less wet than the rest of this week. Sarah and Caitlyn have three interesting invitations for middlers today.
Sensory Invitation: Making Ocean Soap Foam
You will need:
¼ cup of warm water
2 tbsp dish soap
2 tbsp cornstarch (or corn flour)
Blue food coloring/liquid watercolors
Blender or hand mixer
Ocean animal toys
In a blender (or bowl if you’re using a hand mixer), add the water, dish soap, cornstarch and food coloring. Blend/mix on high until stiff peaks form. If it’s too watery you can add some more cornstarch or dish soap. Pour the soap foam into a bin/container and add ocean animals! Let your child explore!
Intent: This sensory activity allows for middlers to explore their sense of touch with this foamy concoction! This also allows for dramatic play using the ‘sea foam’ and toy animals.
Fine Motor Invitation: Sorting
Find some toys to sort with. This could be blocks, animals, cars, balls, etc. You can set up a variety of containers for sorting into, a muffin tin is perfect for smaller toys, or use painter’s tape to mark off spaces on the floor.
You can sort by shape, size, or color.
Intent: This activity incorporates fine motor development by building and creating structures. Hand-eye coordination is used and practiced in this activity.
Art Invitation: Care Surprise for a friend
Make some art to send to a friend or loved one! Invite your child to create something to send to a friend or loved one. After they are done creating, they can help fold their work, put it in an envelope, and put the stamp on.
Intent: This activity is a way for children to connect with others and be part of the larger community while exploring creative expression and using fine motor skills.
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