Good morning and welcome back! We hope you had many opportunities to enjoy the amazing weather over the weekend! Here are three invitations from middler teachers Caitlyn and Sarah for this Monday.
Sensory Invitation: Go on a sensory walk.
What do you hear?
What do you see?
Can you find something to taste? Blackberries, Mulberries, Honeysuckle?
What can you find that is fun to touch?
What do you smell?
Talk with your child about what each of our five senses are and what they do.
Intent: This sensory activity allows for middlers to explore all of their senses while outside.
Fine Motor Invitation: How high can you build?!
Using tape, mark a few different heights on the wall. They can be increasing or sporadic. Have your child build a structure to the height you created.
Possible Dialogue:
“How many more blocks did you use for the tall structure?”
“Which structure might fall over first?”
“How tall can you build?”
Intent: This activity incorporates fine motor development by building and creating structures. Hand-eye coordination is used and practiced in this activity.
Art Invitation: Create with glue and sand.
You will need:
A bowl of sand, dirt, glitter, or something of similar texture
Glue bottle (liquid school glue)
A small spoon
Have your child ‘draw’ with the glue on their piece of paper. They can make shapes, designs, or just squiggles. Then have your child use the spoon to pour sand on the glue. Pour the extra sand back into the bowl when you’re done. Then repeat with another design!
Intent: This activity allows for a different way to explore art and creative expression by using unconventional art materials.
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