It’s Wednesday! It looks like the temperature in Durham is going to peak around 86 degrees today. It might be a good day to do some water play in the afternoon. Here are some invitations to consider setting up inside or outside.
Sensory Invitation: Create a sensory bottle.
There are so many ways to create sensory bottles. They can be made with wet or dry materials. Here are some examples:
Intent: This is an exciting activity that can create soothing sensory bottles. This allows for a complete activity beginning to finish that the middlers can accomplish. It is also something that they can come back to and explore at any time.
Fine Motor Invitation: Painting with Q-tips or any other similar object you have in your house.
Intent: Continuing to explore alternate methods of painting materials to enhance fine motor development.
Art Invitation: Draw your house using any art material you want (markers, crayons, paint, etc.) We like to invite children to use fine line drawing markers or pens for observational drawings like this. You could also invite children to use loose parts or blocks to create houses.
“What shapes did you use to draw your house?”
“Is anyone inside your house?”
“What colors did you use?”
Intent: We want the middlers to explore how different shapes can be used together to create different objects. This allows for middlers to practice shape recognition and drawing different shapes. Practice using the pincer grip while drawing and see how many different shapes each middler can draw!
Outdoor/Nature/Gross Motor Invitation: Create a hopscotch board with chalk. Practice jumping, skipping, & hopping.
Intent: Get outside and enjoy the nice weather and beautiful spring scenery. We want to encourage the middlers to use all of their big body muscles to enhance gross motor development. Some of the middlers have been playing hopscotch in the classroom by using our number cards and lining them up. This activity also incorporates cognitive development by practicing counting and number recognition.
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