It looks like it will be a wet and cool spring morning today. We hope these invitations offer inspiration for your young child today.
Sensory/Fine Motor Invitation: Making and exploring Moon Dough
Moon dough is easy to make and only requires two ingredients.
In a bowl mix two parts cornstarch with one part conditioner. Four tablespoons of cornstarch and two tablespoons of conditioner makes enough for a small exploration. Depending on what you have in terms of ingredients, you may want to make more. Moon dough is interesting to explore. It molds well and can be easily cut with cookie cutters or a butter knife.
Intent: This sensory invitation is also a science experiment! It uses fine motor skills, and results in a new medium for creative expression.
Art Invitation: Negative space painting. Use a piece of paper and lay pieces of tape down in an interesting pattern. Have your child paint the paper. After it has dried, take off the tape to reveal your negative space art piece!
Intent: We encourage the middlers to continue using art materials to express their creativity. Having them help place the tape will help strengthen fine motor skills.
Music and Movement Invitation: Sing and Dance to “We Are the Dinosaurs”
Intent: The middlers LOVE singing during meeting time and all throughout the day. We want to encourage the middlers to keep singing every day and will give examples of some of their favorite songs! We also want to give the middlers an opportunity to express themselves through movement while listening to their favorite songs.
Outdoor/Nature/Gross Motor Invitation: Nature faces. Create a face with various things you find in your own yard. You can look for flowers, grass, rocks, sticks, etc.
Intent: Get outside and enjoy the nice weather and beautiful spring scenery. We want to encourage the middlers to use all of their big body muscles to enhance gross motor development.
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