Good morning! Here are three invitation ideas for toddlers and their families today.
Outdoor/Science Invitation: Nature collection explorations
It looks like it will be cloudy, but not enormously hot this morning. We are wondering if your child has created a collection of natural materials over the past few months; pine cones, pieces of bark, leaves, rocks, sweet gum balls and the like. Today you might invite your child to explore those kinds of materials. What can they build with them? What designs can they create on the grass or the stoop? How do their hands explore the materials? What do they notice as they work?
Sensory Invitation: Sand cooking
At Lakewood, the toddlers spend a lot of time working with cooking utensils in the sand box. They use mini muffin pans, tiny tart pans, measuring cups and spoons. Sometimes in warm weather teachers will also offer buckets of water so children can explore wet, dry, and damp sand. Today you might pull together some similar materials and offer them to your child. What will they make for themselves, or for you?
Fine/Large Motor Invitation: Transporting offering
Today we are curious about how your child might like to explore transporting today. Are they interested in rolling a baby doll around in a stroller? Are they interested in filling a bag with items and carrying it to the other end of your home? Would they like to use their entire body to move pillows or couch cushions across the room? Pick one or two of these offerings to set up in your house (or yard) and see what your child would like to explore today. Remember that your child’s goal will likely be to move things from one point to another and not to do something with the items once they are moved.